Today’s topic is going to be a little bit different than usual. I always hear makeup artist talk about what they love and what they hate about working with talents but today, this is not about us! We are going to spice things up a little! I reached out to 10 agency represented models from all over the world asking them what their biggest pet peeves are when it comes to makeup artist on set. End of the day, the most important things to me are making the client happy, taking care of the talents, make sure they feel comfortable while getting the job done. Listen, we all have things that we love and hate but in my opinion it matters very much to take a moment and recognize what these people have to say. It might help you down the road to be a better artist. Feedbacks are the key to success!
Agnieszka Artych | State Management NYC | @agnesartych
“I find the most irritating when the makeup artist comes on set with dirty brushes. Thankfully it doesn’t happen that often anymore! Makeup artist became more aware that healthy looking skin for models is crucial! We spend a lot of time, effort and money on our look, so dirty brushes are simply a no-go!”
-Well said Agnes, sanitation should be on the top of your list as a makeup artist. I know sometime things get hectic, we are in a rush and just use the same brush on two different models or not having time to clean our brush the night before. Remember, you wouldn’t want that for yourself so stop with the excuses. Keep your kit clean.
Olga Vorosilova | APM NYC | @olgavorosilova
“When makeup artists put lipstick with same finger to a line of the girl or with a single brush…. The worst”
-I see this happens quite often, and so happy that Olga brought this up. Makeup artist love applying products with our fingers but sometime we forget how dirty It is, especially if we going down a line of model touching them up with the same finger. Another no-no, thank you!
Irka Canseco | Click NYC | @irkacanseco
“When Makeup Artist applies product on your face but rubs it in a foreful downward motion. When it happens im like “ well there goes my anti aging efforts out the window”
-Irka have a great point, sometime we love rubbing skincare into skin but I definitely seen some moment where it’s quite aggressive. Im sure makeup artist have their own reasonings, but when your model is feeling uncomfortable then I think we need to tone it down a notch or three. Applying skincare with an upward motion is definitily a good tip! WE DON”T WANT NO WRINKLES!
Greta Rolli | Elite Model Management NYC | @gretarolli
“Its awkward when the markup artist isn’t friendly”
-Yes I agree, no one want to spend a 12 hours day with people that are bummed out or just stressful in general. I am so thankful that I get to call this my career. We have a wonderful job, we get fed, get paid and working with incredible creatives and talents. Theres absolutely no reason why anyone should bummed out on set. Greta, I got strawberries cut up ready for you.
Priscilla Huggins Ortiz | Wihelmina Models | @pricilla_huggins
“I hate when Makeup Artist have bad breath, Period. You Should know you’ll be all up in someone’s face so take care of it.”
-There it is guys! straight to the point. Thank you Priscilla for bringing this up, no one want to spend the whole day around bad odor. I always carry mint for myself and also for talents. Just a good fresher for both! Definitely an essential product!
Loli Laneova | EMG Models | @lolilaneova
“It is extremely irritating when makeup artist who is a smoker and doesn’t properly wash his or her hands after smoking a cigarette. It is quite uncomfortable having hands that smell like an ashtray literally under your nose for hours.”
-This is definitely something that happens way too often and I am very happy that Loli expressed this. Please be considerate on others and clean your hands after you smoke. I personally hate the smell of cigarettes so I can only imagine how horrible it is to sit through a makeup application smelling it. Take care of your model!
Kate Olthoff | Marilyn NY | @kateolthoff
“I don’t like it when after a long day of shooting with a bunch of makeup on and the makeup artist don’t have any proper makeup wipes to give you to actually get the makeup off. I can’t tell you how many times that happened to me.”
-Yes, yes! that’s the honest truth. Alot of artist just assume after a shoot is over, they can just pack and leave. It’s not the talent’s job to bring their own makeup removers and skincare to apply to themselves after the shoot. Your job is not done until you ask the talents if they would like you to remove the makeup or if they like you to leave some makeup wipes and moisturizer for them to do it on themselves.
Megan Puleri | Wihelmina Models | @meganpuleri
“When makeup artist drop a brush or sponge then proceed to pick it up and use it on your face”
-That is absolutely unacceptabel, and should never happen. Again, you wouldn’t want someone to do that to your face, so don’t do it! put the brush aside and use another one. Also for people that love using sponges, make sure you have more than one so you can use different sponge for different models on set. Thank you Megan!
Mariah Castro | Marilyn NY | @mariahcastro__
“When makeup artist use their hands on my face or lips ESPECIALLY after eating. The Model you are doing it on is so incredibly grossed out but doesn’t want to be rude and call them out.”
-As much as I love catering and munching on snacks while im on set. I will always wash my hands and have sanitizer with me before I go back on set touching up talents. I think a lot of times it happens so subconsciously that we don’t realize we are doing it, so thank you Mariah for reminding us on this!
Alexis Lee | Fenton Model Management | @alexisleehart
“When makeup artists don’t use disposable mascara wands. It’s gross to me when they dip it back into the same bottle”
-Thanks Alexis for calling this out! as a makeup artist we need to be conscious on making sure to use disposable wands at all time. It doesn’t matter if you are in a rush, or last minute touchups, double dipping won’t slide and you will get call out sooner or later!
Meaghan Waller | Women360 NYC | @meaghanann
“I think the worst thing is when makeup artists use dirty brushes, or their hands without hand sanitizer.... especially AFTER EATING WITH THEIR HANDS. I just think unhygienic makeup artists are disgusting and at the end of the day, our face is part of our job, and for someone to so carelessly possibly fuck with that... it just sucks man. We are all there to do a job, and it would be nice if (some) makeup artists took a little more pride in their work and come in WITH clean brushes, brush cleaner, sanitizer, and non expired products. The amount of infections, and reactions to dirty or expired products is the most INFURIATING thing.”
-I have nothing to add to that, Meaghan made it pretty crystal clear. Don’t mess with her.
I want to shout out to all these beautiful humans for supporting me on this article. I hope this will give everyone an inside scoop on what models have to deal with on a day to day basis. It happens more than you can imagine. The funny part is, when I reached out to all these talents asking for one petpeeves, everyone already had a list. We can do better as creatives! Love you all! please give these 10 talents a follow! If you enjoy this, please leave me a feedback below and your IG so I can follow you!
Follow me at @vanmakeupartistry
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